Exercise For Women

A woman should not join a gym or other exercise for a firm body, tonic and trim.You participate in various long-term strenuous physical activities daily.

You can turn the music box and throw your arms over your head with your feet slightly apart and ready to build.

With arms above your head, you can stretch right then left. It is important to warm up before accession in intense exercise.

There are many exercises, the woman can work outside the home, where he finds the time. Here are some exercises you can work.


Triceps push down is another exercise you can do to improve the shape and size of your arm.

You need to sit on the edge of a chair or bench to do this great exercise.

Put your hands beside you on the edge of a chair with your fingers facing forward. Then lift the back of the chair, and bend down toward the floor. Gently raise the back. This is a great exercise for toning the arms.

Biceps curls:

You can perform bicep curl safely and easily. If you have not set a bar, you can get in your local sporting good store. Otherwise, you can lift the empty milk bottles filled with water. When you perform bicep curls, you want to make sure you lift weights one at a time, in a controlled motion. The descent is equally important, if not superior to lift the weight. You must perform bicep curls on the same day that you do triceps, so you evenly spread the weight-bearing exercise to your arm.

Toe touches:

Toe touches are a slender waist. To get started, keep your feet slightly apart, bouncing on his heels and shake your shoulders at the same time. When making a 04:00 to bring weapons to fall into the hand and bring them down to the ground, side, top, middle and bottom left.

Hip twists:

Hip twists may contain a foot away when you switch on the side, and leaned back, while pressing the sides, at the same time. Bring the leg back and do the same thing the other foot.


You just jumping, throwing, jumping, throwing and adhere to the routine of both bleeding. This is a teaser exercise program that will get you started. You can lose weight, tone the body, improves cardiac function and the solid body.

Push up:

Push up, your arms and shoulders. You must be at least 10 to 20 push ups every day. When you build stamina, increase in push-ups you do every week. You may have difficulty interpreting standard push up, but you can make a change to climb. To make a push to change up, just push from your knees to your arms instead of putting your weight onto your hands and feet. You can make a push in that position.


Stand up straight with your arms over your head and legs slightly apart, swing arms on the bottom left, top to bottom on the right. To do this four times and not more than two runs pages when you're done.

Weight loss and training arm:

If you want to lose weight, you need to combine the training program of strength, a strong commitment rate for at least 4 times a week. Need to watch your diet too.

You can lose weight by reducing your meal portions and eating six small meals instead of the big day. It is the most effective way to lose weight because it stimulates your metabolism working efficiently. Instead of large meals, your metabolism is constantly providing energy and fuel for the body if you take six mini-meals.

You must maintain your exercise program to maintain good results. You can take the help of your friends or family to your exercise program effective training