Simple Exercise To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

If you're craving for data on exercises that may assist you scale back your belly fat, you are already on target. However, don't fall into the incorrect read that build many representatives abs exercises each day to resolve your downside. it'll not happen. With this sort of exercise you have got your six pack, however are going to be hidden below a layer of abdominal fat and no-one is aware of it's there. Yes, it together with yourself.

The best thanks to scale back belly fat is to perform a full body exercises to get rid of excess fat round the body. we are able to focus on your coaching and anticipate a location in far more than fat in there. Not operating. Your goal now could be to require regarding 100% fat (men and desires his six pack abs visible) or V-day (for girls who need a flat stomach).

The most effective coaching

There are plenty of excellent full-body exercises you'll be able to do to burn fat, however most of the announced (and effective) is that the squat. this is often as a result of the squat exercise additional muscle teams below a significant load of different exercises additional load. Thus, it's terribly effective means of promoting changes in body composition (muscle gain and fat loss), and therefore the hormonal response (such as growth hormone and testosterone).

You are able to add additional weight, like dumbbells or barbells whereas doing squats, however if you are not conversant in them nevertheless, simply using your own body weight is that the best resolution. it'll still provide you with higher results and faster than spending several hours on a sports machine whereas boring low intensity cardio.

How to do a squat properly ancient weight

You can do normal weight squat before being along with your legs slightly wider than the width of the shoulders. Place every hand behind your head and keep your elbows back. Then, begin the movement by moving the hip and back "seat" could be a virtual seat.

Pushing the boundaries. Squat as deep as you'll be able to, keeping the lower back soaked during a neutral position. Ideally, the method of reduction of the hip ought to take regarding two seconds. Hold a second, then come to beginning position.

Another possibility: the employment of extra weights

If you select to use extra weights, variety of the way to do: come dumbbell squats, squats front squats and overhead. the sole distinction here is that the location of the bar. within the back squat, the bar is on the higher back. front squats, the bar is placed on the shoulders before the top. For overhead squats, you retain in your head throughout the session bar.

Squat train your ab directly, however is that the simplest counseled exercise to burn fat quick. it'll offer far better results than doing many representatives of abdominal exercise each day. therefore check that to equip with the data and exercise to urge rid of all excess fat, otherwise simply jump to an "exercise to scale back belly fat" to a different while not real tangible results.

Exercise For Women

A woman should not join a gym or other exercise for a firm body, tonic and trim.You participate in various long-term strenuous physical activities daily.

You can turn the music box and throw your arms over your head with your feet slightly apart and ready to build.

With arms above your head, you can stretch right then left. It is important to warm up before accession in intense exercise.

There are many exercises, the woman can work outside the home, where he finds the time. Here are some exercises you can work.


Triceps push down is another exercise you can do to improve the shape and size of your arm.

You need to sit on the edge of a chair or bench to do this great exercise.

Put your hands beside you on the edge of a chair with your fingers facing forward. Then lift the back of the chair, and bend down toward the floor. Gently raise the back. This is a great exercise for toning the arms.

Biceps curls:

You can perform bicep curl safely and easily. If you have not set a bar, you can get in your local sporting good store. Otherwise, you can lift the empty milk bottles filled with water. When you perform bicep curls, you want to make sure you lift weights one at a time, in a controlled motion. The descent is equally important, if not superior to lift the weight. You must perform bicep curls on the same day that you do triceps, so you evenly spread the weight-bearing exercise to your arm.

Toe touches:

Toe touches are a slender waist. To get started, keep your feet slightly apart, bouncing on his heels and shake your shoulders at the same time. When making a 04:00 to bring weapons to fall into the hand and bring them down to the ground, side, top, middle and bottom left.

Hip twists:

Hip twists may contain a foot away when you switch on the side, and leaned back, while pressing the sides, at the same time. Bring the leg back and do the same thing the other foot.


You just jumping, throwing, jumping, throwing and adhere to the routine of both bleeding. This is a teaser exercise program that will get you started. You can lose weight, tone the body, improves cardiac function and the solid body.

Push up:

Push up, your arms and shoulders. You must be at least 10 to 20 push ups every day. When you build stamina, increase in push-ups you do every week. You may have difficulty interpreting standard push up, but you can make a change to climb. To make a push to change up, just push from your knees to your arms instead of putting your weight onto your hands and feet. You can make a push in that position.


Stand up straight with your arms over your head and legs slightly apart, swing arms on the bottom left, top to bottom on the right. To do this four times and not more than two runs pages when you're done.

Weight loss and training arm:

If you want to lose weight, you need to combine the training program of strength, a strong commitment rate for at least 4 times a week. Need to watch your diet too.

You can lose weight by reducing your meal portions and eating six small meals instead of the big day. It is the most effective way to lose weight because it stimulates your metabolism working efficiently. Instead of large meals, your metabolism is constantly providing energy and fuel for the body if you take six mini-meals.

You must maintain your exercise program to maintain good results. You can take the help of your friends or family to your exercise program effective training

Essentials Exercise For Your Health

The exercise is a key factor in maintaining a healthy body. Exercise is very important to prevent diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke and heart failure.

Before beginning any exercise program, consult a doctor or nurse and learn with a certified trainer how to exercise safely.

Exercise strengthens bones and muscles, reducing the chances or cracking, and back injuries.

Eating unhealthy foods and physical activity is not conducive to good health. The body does not react when you eat unhealthy foods and exercising at the same time.

The rest is an important factor that you do not get enough rest, during exercise, you are exposed to hot flashes and fainting.

If the body is tired, the mind and the body does not respond and can lead to hurt yourself.

Exercise to produce a healthier life and reduce illness and ordinary at the same time helps to control weight.

Before beginning an aerobic workouts or strength, heat for five to ten minutes. Warm-up helps the body to move the state of inactivity at full effort.

Aerobic exercise is one of the best workouts that work all the muscles and tone the body.

jogging, aerobics, walking, cycling, skating, jogging, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise. Combine aerobics with weight training, which will be the construction of the mass, muscles, strengthen bones and reduce weight.

muscle strengthening exercises with weights Force, circuit training, and gymnastics. These exercises help burn fat from muscle mass and increase in the body. Strength training is a workout to lose your weight fast while building muscle. Intense weightlifting is normal for weightlifters trying to build muscle mass.

To do this, cycling and other activities at a pace slow and easy. This gives the body to increase blood flow to the muscles and joints work and prepares them for their hard work

At least 30 minutes of exercise is necessary for best results. You can do vigorous aerobic exercise or gardening can also help. If you want to lose weight, 60 minute workout is recommended. At least you can train for 30 minutes.

Stretching is essential to extend the exercise to build strong muscles and tendons and ligaments. Elongation at the end of each heat and let cool. Stretching increases coordination, flexibility and freedom of movement expands the body.

Wear loose clothing and shoes that are comfortable. Make sure your exercise shoes provide adequate support and cushioning for aerobic exercise you choose to do.

When your health and fitness goals have been achieved, it is easy to maintain. Simply to stay active and mock exercise. Try different exercises in order to boredom and work all the muscle groups themselves. different muscles become stronger and get fit in less time. This will also help you burn calories and control weight. After the relevant financial year can help to safely participate in any type of activity.

Monitoring Your Exercise Intensity

Your goal is to work your way up to an exercise level that feels somewhat hard and increases your breathing and heart rate. Your activities should not make you breathe so hard that you can’t talk to someone else; if they interfere with normal conversation, then you are likely working yourself harder than necessary. These exercises also should not cause dizziness, chest pain, or excessive joint discomfort.

You can monitor the intensity of your training by your pulse (heart rate) during any activity. Measure the beats on your wrist by lightly pressing the tips of your index and middle fingers where you can feel your pulse. Count the number of pulsations you feel for a ten-second period and then multiply this number by 6 to estimate beats per minute. It is normal for your maximal pulse rate to decrease with each passing year after the age of twenty. Your expected maximal heart rate can be estimated as 208 minus 70 percent of your age. For example, if you’re fifty, then your expected maximal would be 208 minus 35, or 173 beats per min- ute. (Note: if you are taking a beta-blocker, your heart rate at any workout intensity will likely be lower than expected.)

Aerobic Activities Build Your Endurance

Endurance-type activities improve your cardiovascular health, help you gain muscle, and cause you to lose body fat. An aerobic exercise is defined as any activity done continuously, increasing your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time (i.e., more than two minutes), including dancing, swimming, bike riding, and fast walking. Although jogging and running also qualify, they are not recommended for the majority of adults over forty, as their high-impact nature may result in lower limb joint pain or injuries.

Examples of activities that range from mild to vigorous in intensity are listed in here:

Mild: Walking slowly (2 miles per hour or slower), gardening (weeding or watering), some household chores (e.g., washing dishes), walking or kicking in a swimming pool with a buoyancy belt, standing without support, shuffle board, and golfing with a cart (But most of these are too mild to be considered a part of your actual exercise program once your fitness level increases.)

Moderate: Swimming, bicycling (outdoors), cycling on a stationary bicycle, gardening (mowing, raking, or hoeing), walking briskly on a level surface, mopping or scrubbing floors, golfing without a cart (walking and carrying your own clubs), tennis (doubles), volleyball, rowing, water aerobics or other aquatic classes, most chair exercises, and dancing.

: Climbing stairs or hills, shoveling snow, brisk bicycling up hills, digging holes, tennis (singles), swimming laps, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, hiking, jogging or running, and most sports (e.g., soccer or basketball)

If you have been inactive for a long time, you’ll need to work up gradually to doing the more intense activities. Start out with the mild to moderate activities and slowly build up to doing more. We recommend that you start by doing just five to ten minutes a day of an activity that you can easily perform and then increase the intensity of your workouts until your pulse is between 100 and 120 beats per minute. Don’t be discouraged if it takes you months to go from a very long-standing sedentary lifestyle to doing some of the harder activities. As you are able, increase the time you spend doing endurance activities to fifteen and ultimately twenty minutes or more. Note that this total leaves you at least ten minutes for other types of exercise to reach your thirty-minute training goal.

You should try to end up doing at least thirty minutes of total exercise on most days of the week. It is best to plan on exercising every day as you’ll likely miss a couple of days a week for various and sundry reasons. So planning on doing some activity every day will more likely result in at least five days per week. Take at least one day a week off to adequately rest and let your body repair and renew itself, but try to never miss two days in a row.

Your Exercise Plan for Better Health

You don’t have to be an exercise fanatic to reap the benefits of increased physical activity. Adding just a little activity to your daily routine can have major benefits, no matter what your current age is. Even fifteen to thirty minutes of walking each day is probably enough to gain substantial health benefits, provided you increase your pulse rate to higher than one hundred beats per minute. However, our exercise plan will require you to do thirty minutes of different types of formal exercise each day, five days a week, which is still not a lot considering the positive outcomes that you’ll experience from doing it, such as looking and feeling younger than your chronological age. Walking a small dog and stopping frequently every time it does its business—while a fun and necessary activity—would not be considered a formal program of exercise. On the other hand, carrying the dog and walking swiftly around the block for the requisite amount of time would be.

As soon as you pass the age of thirty, other types of physical activity become more important as well, particularly exercises that help you maintain your balance and improve your posture. So your exercise plan will include working on five important types of activities during the week: endurance, resistance, balance, posture, and flexibility. On any one day, you can choose to focus on just one area or a combination of areas. Try to be practical with what you do; choose a few exercises instead of a long list, and vary what you do on a regular basis to get optimal benefits and to stay motivated to continue with your program.

While a block of planned exercise done regularly is undeniably important for staying younger, you also need to concentrate on increasing your daily movement doing anything, your so-called spontaneous physical activity. By doing so, you can even more dramatically improve your well-being and levels of physical and mental fitness. We will discuss the simple means by which you can increase this informal component of activity .

Exercises More, Think Better!

Exercise has payoffs for the mind, too, as it can improve feelings of overall well-being, along with reducing stress and depression. Many people who feel lethargic or drained all the time are generally just out of shape. Exercising makes you feel tired while you’re doing it, but its longer-lasting effect is the reverse: it enhances your overall energy levels.

Likewise, movement lowers your mental stress. Just getting up from your desk and work when you’re stressed out and going for a short walk can clear your mind, improve your mood, and enhance your productivity when you return to the task at hand. Studies have also shown that exercise is an effective remedy for mild to moderate depression and possibly major depressive disorder as long as the activity is continued over time.

What’s more, it appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia that have recently begun appearing at earlier ages in many adults, even well before retirement age. For older individuals, exercise clearly improves brain function. For example, in a study of 1,740 adults over sixty-five years of age who were followed for more than six years, individuals who exercised three times a week were a third less likely to develop dementia. However, even in younger individuals, regular exercise is associated with less brain atrophy, or shrinkage, and even as little as six months of regular aerobic training can reduce your rate of brain loss.

Any activity increases blood fl ow and oxygen delivery to your brain and results in a reduced cell loss in the part of your brain called the hippocampus, which is the region associated with memory and spatial navigation. Not only can activity delay or prevent dementia, it may be able to restore some of what you’ve lost mentally.
Thus you need to exercise to keep from losing your brain, but also if you’ve already lost some of it.

How Physical Activity Improves Your Life

Simply expending energy through any physical activity, including leisure time activities, will make you feel younger, look better, and live longer. It will even make you lose some fat while gaining more muscle, causing you to look more physically toned and younger than other people your age. An even more pressing reason to become active, though, is to reduce your risk of not feeling good during your lifetime. Inactivity, not aging, is the real reason many of us experience declines in energy and health as time passes.

Studies on men and women between the ages of thirty-five and sixty have shown that simply being more physically active during leisure time keeps heart disease and other life-shortening health problems at bay. Moreover, people who are active in their forties through their sixties (the new “middle age”) end up being more active and independent after they reach retirement age. Being regularly active even reduces your chances of getting colds and other viral illnesses by boosting the ability of your immune system to fight off disease. Thus, both of us believe that exercise is an eternal youth elixir when it comes to optimizing quality of life by keeping your body healthier and disease-free.

Becoming physically fit is more than worth it for numerous other reasons, many of which are listed in Table 1 For starters, it can greatly enhance your energy levels, reduce your risk of certain cancers (e.g., colon, prostate, and breast), help lower your blood pressure, prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce depression and anxiety, prevent thinning bones (osteoporosis), reverse prediabetes and new-onset type 2 diabetes, and dramatically lower your risk of developing diabetes, even if you have a strong family history of it. If you already have diabetes, being active can help you control your blood sugar and prevent diabetes-related health problems.

Brain/Emotions: Enhanced feeling of well-being, improved memory, prevention of dementia, decreased brain atrophy, reduced depression, and better sleep.

Metabolism/Hormones: Enhanced metabolic rate and energy levels, greater libido (sex drive), improved immune system function, more effective blood glucose use, and diabetes prevention.

Heart: Prevention and possible reversal of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and stronger heart muscle.

Muscles:Higher energy levels, better tone, more muscle mass (and prevention of loss over time), increased strength, endurance,flexibility, and balance, and heightened glucose storage.

Bones:Greater bone mineral density and prevention of thinning, reduced symptoms of arthritis, and less likelihood of bone fractures and falls.

Cancer:Reduced risk of colon, prostate, and breast cancer (and possibly others).

Longevity:Increased length of life and better health

From a metabolic standpoint, it’s always better to be fit, no matter what your body weight is. Exercise enhances your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which usually results in better blood sugar control, as well as a lower risk of both heart disease and high blood pressure. Regular exercise can also alleviate severe arthritic symptoms that can make daily living painful. It even helps you sleep better, which is especially important since sleeping too little (e.g., only five hours a night) can increase your risk of gaining weight and getting diabetes.

Herbal Remedies and Complementary Medicine

Up to 90 percent of people turn to complementary medicine, including many potential “cures” using herbal compounds, to cure their ills as they get older. Usually they are seeking nontraditional remedies for low back pain, headaches, arthritis and other joint pain, insomnia, depression, and, of course, aging. It’s big business, bringing in over $15 billion a year in the United States alone. Treatment modalities include diet, herbs, massage, breathing, and detoxification. Numerous herbal medicines are effective in the treatment of disease (shown in Table ) but have not necessarily become mainstream by any means.

Although herbal and other natural products may be beneficial in some circumstances, they can have significant and sometimes unpredictable side effects. The sale of herbs for medicinal use is largely unregulated. The ingredients of some herbal preparations are not listed on the packaging, and even when they are, the lists may not be accurate or complete. Companies selling herbs are not even required to demonstrate the safety or efficancy of their products.

For example, certain forms of ginseng may raise blood pres- sure, and mug wort (Mother wort) causes dermatitis (skin inflammation). Other people have been poisoned, in some cases fatally, by taking herbal preparations containing Heliotropium when they were also taking a prescribed barbiturate. To avoid possible drug interactions, be sure your physician is aware of any herbal preparations you use.

Herbal Medicines That Actually Work

are not listed on the packaging, and even when they are, the lists may not be accurate or complete. Companies selling herbs are not even required to demonstrate the safety or efficancy of their products.

For example, certain forms of ginseng may raise blood pres- sure, and mug wort (Mother wort) causes dermatitis (skin inflammation). Other people have been poisoned, in some cases fatally, by taking herbal preparations containing Heliotropium when they were also taking a prescribed barbiturate. To avoid possible drug interactions, be sure your physician is aware of any herbal prepara- tions you use.

Water Is Essential to Life and Good Health

Adequate fluid intake is essential to living well and feeling your best at any age. As you grow older, you may lose some of your normal thirst sensations, putting you at risk for dehydration unless you make a conscious effort to drink more.

You need to drink at least four to six glasses of fluid daily, in addition to consuming foods that contain water such as melons and most vegetables. Luckily for the coffee drinkers out there, it’s only a myth that caffeinated drinks will hydrate you less well than caffeine-free ones, particularly when you’ve been consuming them for some time.

The volume of fluid found in most drinks is more than adequate to overcome the caffeine’s diuretic effect, if any is still present in habitual users, but you should probably go easy on espresso, which contains concentrated amounts of caffeine and minimal amounts of water. But keep in mind that too much caffeine can cause the bones to lose calcium, so the decaf options may be bet- ter ones for that reason alone.
Make certain to increase your fluid intake when you have a fever. If you get diarrhea, try to consume fluids containing calories rather than low- or no-calorie sodas. Also, remember that adequate fluid intake is by far the best con- stipation cure out there.

How Much Fiber Do You Need?

Americans generally don’t eat enough fiber for optimal health. At a minimum, you should consume at least 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat each day. Thus, women need at least 25 grams daily and men 38 grams before the age of fifty years.

After you reach fifty, these requirements are only 21 and 30 grams for women and men, respectively, due to a generally lower calorie intake. Eating as much fiber as possible—even more than the recommended intakes—should be your daily goal no matter how young you are.

The only known potential downside of eat- ing more than 50 grams per day (besides going to the bathroom frequently) is that such a high fiber intake can interfere with the absorption of some minerals such as calcium and iron.

Consider supplementing with these minerals if you consume large amounts of fiber. Make sure you also drink plenty of water or other fluids with it.

Will Alcohol Intake Make You Gain Weight?

Drinking excess calories in the form of alcohol can certainly lead you to gain fat weight, but contrary to common belief, drinking alcohol does not necessarily lead to weight gain, despite its high-calorie content of 7 calories per gram.
In fact, a Mayo clinic study of 8,236 men and women found that compared to teetotal- ers, people who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day were about half as likely to be obese. Nevertheless, it is prudent to keep the higher calorie content of alcohol in mind. Furthermore, alcohol calories should not replace those normally coming from foods that supply your body with necessary vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

Nutritional Guidelines for Good Health and Longevity

Everyone has to eat to survive, so there is no getting around this step. Your pathway to optimal health and youthful vigor via nutrition may differ from some- one else’s, depending on your individual preferences and the foods available to you. Moreover, an emerging field of nutrigenomics is now starting to characterize how your unique genes interact with the foods you eat.

Poor nutrition can make you more vulnerable to illnesses and their health complications. Good nutrition, on the other hand, can lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and a number of other chronic health conditions. It can also help you do a better job of controlling any health problems you may

• Improve the heart-healthiness of your diet. Both French fare and a Mediterranean diet offer distinct health benefits. Particularly, the latter diet with its high content of olive oil, fish, and red wine is heart healthy.

• Eat fish at least four times per week. An increased intake of essential omega-3 fats may reduce your risk of heart disease, memory loss, and other health problems. Good types of omega-3-rich fish include salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. (If you can’t or won’t eat fish, consider using fish oil supplements.)

• Drink alcohol in moderation. One to two alcoholic drinks per day appear to be more beneficial than none, but don’t drink in excess of this amount.

• Eat at least three to five vegetables and two to three fruits a day. Choose colorful fresh or frozen produce, and eat whole fruits rather than drinking juices that lack fiber.

• Increase fiber-rich foods in your diet. Fiber lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Good sources include berries, dried beans, prunes, whole wheat bread, brown rice, bran, fruit, vegetables, and nuts.

• Drink plenty of liquids. Try to drink at least four to six glasses of liquid each day, and eat foods with higher water content, like melons and vegetables.

• Spice up your foods. Onions, turmeric, black pepper,cinnamon, ginger, thyme, cumin, oregano, basil, sage, curry, and garlic all have positive effects on health.

• Eat more yogurt. The probiotic effect of yogurt with live cultures may improve your health by preventing illness and limiting inflammation.

• Consider using select herbal or other remedies. A limited number of herbal preparations may be effective in treating specific problems, such as ginger for vertigo and alpha-lipoicacid for diabetic neuropathy and possibly memory loss.

develop. This step will also lead you down a path to healthier eat- ing, including teaching you the importance of adequate intake of fish and moderate intake of alcohol for staying younger for longer, along with how to eat the right foods to get all the nutrients your body needs at any age.

Being Healthy at Any Age

Promoting good health is best when done over a lifetime, but you can still start implementing healthful practices at any time to increase your odds of longer survival and a stronger, healthier body. You can always gain some of the health promotion benefits, regardless of your current age, but the sooner you get started, the better your results will likely be.

It is important to note, however, that some guidelines change as time passes, and what is appropriate for you at twenty years of age may not be when you reach forty, sixty, or older. For general guidelines to optimal health at any age, consult the sidebar that follows, which was developed by Dr. John for the Aging Successfully magazine produced by Saint Louis University and the Saint Louis
Veterans Administration.

A Guide to Optimal Health over Your Lifetime
0–40 Years

1. Exercise regularly.
2. Avoid obesity.
3. Ingest adequate calcium.
4. Eat nutritious foods, including fish.
5. Wear your seat belt.
6. Drink in moderation after age 21, and do not smoke.
7. Get your vaccinations.
8. Drive at a safe speed (once you get your driver’s license).
9. Avoid violence and illicit drugs.
10. Do a monthly breast self-exam (females, after menstruation begins).

40 – 60 Years

1. Exercise regularly.
2. Avoid obesity.
3. Ingest adequate calcium and vitamin D
4. Eat fish.
5. Wear your seat belt.
6. Drink in moderation, and do not smoke.
7. Have your blood pressure checked.
8. Get your cholesterol and glucose checked.
9. Screen for breast and colon cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
10. Get regular Pap smears (females).
11. Have regular mental activity and socialize.
12. Avoid taking too many medicines.
13. Consider hormone replacement (males and females).

60 –80 Years

1. Exercise regularly, including balance and resistance exercises.
2. Avoid weight loss.
3. Ingest adequate calcium and vitamin D.
4. Eat fish.
5. Wear your seat belt.
6. Drink in moderation, and do not smoke.
7. Screen for breast and colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
8. Get your cholesterol checked.
9. Have flu, pneumococcal, and possibly herpes zoster vaccinations.
10. Get regular Pap smears (females).
11. Have regular mental activity and socialize.
12. Avoid taking too many medicines.

80 Years

1. Exercise regularly, including balance and resistance exercises.
2. Avoid weight loss.
3. Ingest adequate calcium and vitamin D.
4. Be screened for osteoporosis.
5. Wear your seat belt.
6. Drink in moderation, and do not smoke.
7. Have your blood pressure checked.
8. Do monthly breast self-exams (females).
9. Have flu and pneumococcal vaccinations.
10. Make your home safety proof to prevent falls; if you are unsteady, use a cane and consider hip protectors.
11. Have regular mental activity, socialize, and avoid being depressed.
12. Avoid taking too many medicines.
13. Keep doing what you are doing right.